25 Food Questions Tag

Q1. What’s your favorite breakfast?

A:  I love making breakfast skillets with pan roasted potatoes, bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, and maybe a bit of jalapeno, breakfast sausage, and a fried egg (sunny side up) on top.

Q2. How do you drink your coffee?

A:  With a spoon of brown sugar and a splash of natural vanilla creamer.  There is a coffee store that I visit way too often called Coffee City USA.  My coffee cabinet currently has 5 bags of different flavored coffees.  My favorites are Jamaican Me Loco and White Russian.

Q3. What’s in your favorite sandwich?

A:  I love McAlister’s harvest chicken salad sandwiches on croissants and Newk’s pimiento cheese sandwiches.  I also love a good, heartburn-inducing Italian sandwich.

Q4. Soup or salad?

A:  If I’m eating out, salad.  If I’m cooking, soup.  I love making soups.  And, I love inviting people over on soup night.

Q5. No more sweets or no more savories?

A:  The old me would have chosen savories, but the older I get, the less my body can tolerate sugar.  This makes me endlessly sad, but what can you do?  So…no more sweets.  Sigh….

Q6. What’s your favorite cuisine?

A:  That is an almost impossible question.  But, I do think I could eat Mexican food just about every day and be happy.  So, maybe Mexican???

Q7. What’s your favorite food movie?

A:  I’m having trouble thinking of a “food movie”.  How about a “food book”?  And I wouldn’t even say it’s my favorite.  But, the question immediately made me think of The Hundred-Foot Journey by Richard C. Morias.  I don’t know why, because I remember gagging repeatedly while reading that book…..

Q8. What’s your most guilty pleasure?

A:  Tiramisu……mmmmmmmmm……

Q9. The tastiest food I’ve ever eaten was?

A:  I love food.  There have been numerous times when I thought what I was eating was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted.  I can’t even begin to choose…..

Q10. What’s your favorite cookbook?

A:  My most used cookbook is a church cookbook that my grandmother gave to me when I got married.  I used it a lot pre-internet.

Q11. What’s your greatest inspiration source?

A:  Pinterest.  Period.

Q11. Cooking at home or going out for dinner?

A:  I need a healthy mix of both.  It is too easy to get burned out on one or the other.

Q12. High-end or low profile?

A:  Definitely low profile.  I’m a low maintenance kind of gal and would probably be too uncomfortable to enjoy myself at some fancy schmancy 5-star restaurant.

Q.13. What’s your favorite restaurant?

A:  I don’t have one.  I have favorite things to order at many restaurants.

Q14. I do my grocery shopping at?

A:  WalMart and Brookshires mostly.  But, I love Fresh.  I’ve been known to drive to the one an hour from my house just to window shop.

Q16. Coffee with Leonardo Dicaprio or Gordon Ramsey?

A:  How about with Benedict Cumberbatch or Michael Symon?

Q17. What should not be missing in your kitchen?

A:  A rice cooker.  I would never not burn rice without one.

Q18. What is your favorite snack?

A:  I really don’t snack that much.  Chili lime almonds are awesome, though….

Q19. What’s on your pizza?

A:  All veggies.  Or lots of pork.

Q20. What food do you really dislike?

A:  I don’t usually like to eat Chinese food out.  Nor will I eat McDonald’s.  Olives are also a no.

Q21. What’s the one food you refuse to share?

A:  I’m not a stingy jackwagon….

Q22. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

A:  Nothing too weird.  I’ve had shark.  I’ve had a pear and arugula pizza.  That was pretty weird, but not bad….

Q23. What’s on your food bucket list?

A:  A Drivers, Dive-Ins, and Dives road trip.  It would have to include the mushroom cobbler from Brick & Fire Bistro in Eureka, California.

Q24. I couldn’t live without eating?

A:  Fresh veggies.

Q25. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat?

A:  Mexican food.  Ha!  Is that too vague?