2019 Reading Challenge

Every year, our little Facebook book club does a reading challenge.  Below is the list for 2019.  I’ve already finished 3 categories due to a little unexpected time on my hands, though I don’t expect to keep up the pace.

I often do internet searches to find my next read.  My first completed book of 2019 was found during such a search on a list of “books you cannot put down”.  I knew nothing about it other than the title and that it was fiction.  The book is called All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood.  And, it absolutely belonged on that list.  I almost didn’t use it for our reading challenge, though, because how do you explain how good a book is that is about an 8-year-old and a 19-year-old falling in love and not sound like a total creeper?  And, to make matters worse, I put it in category #8 A Romance Novel……yeah….here is my book club submission:

8. A Romance Novel: Okay. This may be a stretch. I found this title on a list called “Books You Cannot Put Down”. And, they were right. I read it in three days, and for me, that is saying something. I almost exclusively do audiobooks because it takes me forever to get through an actual book book. ANYWAY. All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood is the story of 8-year-old Wavy, whose mother is a drug addict that usually can’t be bothered to take care of her, whose father cooks meth, and who is raising her little brother. One night, her presence on the road causes 19-year-old Kellan, an associate of her father’s, to wreck his motorcycle. This is the beginning of a long and complicated relationship that nobody truly understands but the two of them. If I had known the subject matter of this book beforehand, I probably would not have read it. BUT, it really is very well written and hard to put down and maybe not quite as creepy as it sounds…..I dunno….. 5 stars on Goodreads.

All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood

I know that all sounds horrible.  But, it’s a good book.  It just is.

The second book I finished this year was I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios, which fulfilled category #2 A YA Fiction Novel.

2. A YA Fiction Book: I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios is about Skylar Evans’s attempt to escape tiny Creek View, California, and the life she’s living in abject poverty with her recovering addict mother. Only months away heading off to college, Josh Mitchell returns from Afghanistan with one leg missing, and all of her plans begin to slip through her fingers. 4 stars on Goodreads.

I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios — Reviews ...

And, my third of the year is The Rooster Bar by John Grisham.  I usually enjoy his novels, but this one wasn’t my favorite.  I can’t even say why exactly.  Probably I wasn’t in the mood for it.  That may have something to do with the way my new year started off (by getting fired from my job of 16+ years).  I put that book in category #13.

13.) A book by someone named John/Johnson or variant: The Rooster Bar by John Grisham is about four 3rd-year law school students who are drowning in debt and are facing the very real probability of unemployment after graduating from the third-tier law school, Foggy Bottom. Gordy can’t take the pressure and leaps off of the Arlington Memorial Bridge. But, before he does so, he lays out the details of a complex and wide-spread law school and student loan scheme that he has uncovered. The remaining three friends must decide what they’ll do with the information and how they are going to face their bleak futures. 3 stars on Goodreads.

Rooster Bar (Unabridged) (CD/Spoken Word) (John Grisham ...

If you’re a reader, please join our group!  The more the merrier!

On a totally random and completely unrelated note, I saw that they’re coming out with Jalapeno M&Ms?!?!  Sign me up!  **drool**

2019 Reading List

Level 1:
1.) A book with a red cover
2.) A YA fiction novel
3.) A book under 300 pages
4.) A book in a genre you normally wouldn’t choose
5.) A first book of a series
6.) A book that takes place during the summer
7.) A book whose title starts with the letter M
8.) A romance novel
9.) A book that has been turned into a TV Show or Movie
10.) A book with a title done in alliteration (example: Pride and Prejudice)
11.) A New York Time's Best Seller (Past or Present)
12.) Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 2:
13.) A book by someone named John/Johnson or variant
14.) A Fantasy novel
15.) A book with a color in the title
16.) A book recommended to you by someone else
17.) A detective novel
18.) A book with a number in the title
19.) A book about dragons
20.) A book published by Penguin Random House
21.) A book found on Project Gutenberg
22.) A book about an artist (fictional or real)
23.) A book that was published in 1999
24.) Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 3:
25.) Book 1 in a trilogy
26.) Book 2 in the same trilogy
27.) Book 3 in the same trilogy
28.) A book recommended by a friend on Social Media
29.) A book about a librarian/library
30.) A book about breaking a code or a treasure hunt
31.) A book by a Brandon/Branden or variant
32.) A book that takes place in a large city
33.) A book suggested by What Should I Read Next?
34.) A book that someone else doing this challenge is reading
35.) A book with exactly three words in the title
36.) Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 4:
37.) A book over 500 pages
38.) A book about time travel
39.) A book with a form of weather in the title
40.) A book published in 1969
41.) A book authored by a Catherine/Katherine or variant
42.) A book by an Anne/Ann/Annie or variant
43.) A book from Time's All-time top 100 book list
44.) A coming of age novel
45.) A book involving mythology
46.) A self-published book
47.) A book with the word dream in the title
48.) Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 5:
49.) A book on a banned book list
50.) The most recent book in a series you haven't finished
51.) A book that you judged by its cover (either positively or negatively)
52.) A book that takes place in your home state
53.) A book that takes place before 1965
54.) A biography
55.) A book you've previously abandoned
56.) A book about a real or fictional politician
57.) A book set in Asia
58.) A book with a tree or forest on the cover
59.) A book with the letter Z in the title 
60.) Free Space- Pick any book!

I love a quotable book.

Good evening, all.

So, I’ve mentioned our Reading Challenge before.  (It still isn’t too late to join, if you’re interested!)  One of the categories this year is a book about a road trip.  For that category, I am currently reading Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon.  It’s a non-fiction account of the author’s trip around the US on lesser highways (aka blue highways….blue on a map as opposed to more major red highways).  I have quoted this book a couple of times on Ye Ol’ Great Facebook already, and I’m barely a couple of chapters in.

Beware thoughts that come in the night. They aren’t turned properly; they come in askew, free of sense and restriction, deriving from the most remote of sources. – William Least Heat-Moon, Blue Highways

Another line, which isn’t exactly quotable because of elegance or profoundness, but which I love nonetheless:

1 Coleman cooler (empty but for a can of chopped liver a friend had given me so there would ALWAYS be something to eat); – William Least Heat-Moon, Blue Highways

This is an item from a list of items that Heat-Moon brought with him on this trip.  I just love the idea behind this…that a friend would give you something so wretched…something that nobody would want to eat because you will always have it and therefore always have something to eat in case the need arises.  What a caring, brilliant act.  Am I alone in appreciating this?  Surely not….

I love books like this.  Not only do I totally envy the author’s courage to set out on such a long trip with little money and a vehicle that probably isn’t up to such a long drive, but I find it to be just so well written.  I love authors with such a way with words that I am compelled to read and reread passages just to soak them up.  When reading such books, I often read lines out loud to The Hubs.  He rarely appreciates this, which doesn’t stop me…. 🙂

Anywho.  Reading is just about all of I’ve done with my weekend so far.  I did get out earlier and vote in my little town’s special election, the result of which did not go how I wanted.  And, I did go have dinner this evening with some of my in-laws.  Good food.  Good company.  The house cleaning, art projects, letter writing, and phone calls that I promised myself that I would tend to this weekend are still waiting patiently for my attention.

Much love to you all!

Song of the Day

I almost hate to come up with a song of the day since I am doing the 100 Day Song Challenge, but I guess that I will anyway.  I have 6 canvases hanging on the walls in my bedroom, where I currently am kicked back with my laptop watching #LivePD.  They were all painted by me and all contain snippets of song lyrics.  One reads “Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck.  Some nights I call it a draw,” which is from Some Nights by fun.

Book of the Day

Image result for blue highways

What else would I pick but Blue Highways:  A Journey Into America by William Least Heat-Moon since that’s primarily what this blog entry is about?  If you’re curious about the author’s name, by the way, he’s of Native American decent.  His dad was known as Heat-Moon, his brother as Little Heat-Moon, and he as Least Heat-Moon.  I’m not far enough into this book to rate it, but I’m sure it is going to be a fascinating read.

Recipe of the Day

Cheesy Bacon Mushroom Fettuccine via http://www.cookingpanda.com.  I made this for dinner a couple of nights ago, and thought it was delightful.  And, it was extremely easy to make.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 2 teaspoons garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 4 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup parmesan, grated
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 8 ounces fettuccine noodles


1) Cook pasta according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.

2) In a large skillet over medium high heat, heat oil and add mushrooms. Cook for 3 minutes, or until mushrooms soften. Add garlic and white wine.

3) Add bacon, heavy cream, salt and pepper. Bring to a light boil.

4) Add grated parmesan and parsley. Stir until sauce is thick. Add cooked pasta and stir until full coated. Cook for an additional minute.

5) Remove from heat and serve! Top with more parmesan cheese and chopped parsley. Enjoy!

Where Artwork Goes to Die

Happy 2017!  I had a really wonderful long weekend.  How about y’all?  The Hubs and I spent the weekend in Shreveport/Bossier City.  We watched Sing, which was cute.  We pigged out a couple of times.  We went to the NYE party at Harrah’s and watched their firework show.  And then I spent most of today doing chores and art projects.  I get frustrated doing art projects, but I also enjoy them immensely.  I have a whole stack of half-done canvases in my spare room from starting projects for loved ones, hating them, and eventually abandoning them.  But, today I made something for my office, and I mostly like it.

For Christmas, I gave my mom an essential oil diffuser and a small selection of oils.  I am interested in investing in these things for myself.  There are so many uses for essential oils, and there seems to be a combination of oils to treat whatever in the world may ail you.  Migraines?  Check.  Allergies?  Check.  Stress?  Check.  Stub your toe?  Have a miserable job?  Wanted by the police?  Check, check, and check.  Okay.  Maybe not those last three…..

I have also been looking into DIY toiletry items that are made with essential oils such as bath bombs, lip glosses, beard oils, etc.  I really think that I am going to start making some of these.  Have you made anything with essential oils?  Were you happy with the results?  What got me interested was an $8 bath bomb the size of a softball that The Hubs bought for me.  It was made with orange essential oil, and the moment I lowered myself into the tub, every one of my itchy eczema spots stopped itching.  It was amazing.  And, my skin felt more supple than it has in years.  I spent the rest of the evening petting my own arm.  Ha!

In an earlier post, I mentioned a 30-day exercise challenge.  That challenge began today.  Actually, I am doing two of them simultaneously.  Both were found on http://www.darebee.com.  One is the Boxer challenge, and the other is the Cardio & Abs challenge.  Whew!  Doing both meant that today I did 3 sets of 20 high knees and 20 climbers with 1 minute rest followed by 4 sets of 1 minute high knees and 1 minute rest.  Needless to say, I was a bit (a lot) wobbly when I was done.  I hope you’ll consider doing a challenge with us!

Also, our 2017 Reading Challenge kicked off yesterday.  Busy start to the year!

I hope you all have a blessed rest-of-the-week and an amazing 2017!

Song of the Day

Be As You Are by Mike Posner.  I love the message in this song.

Book of the Day

Image result for thirteen reasons why jay asher

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.  Another guilty pleasure YA fiction read.  I recommended this to my niece who does not read for pleasure a few years back, and she begrudgingly reported to me that she liked it.  The narrator is a teenage girl who committed suicide.  This makes me sound like a bad aunt, doesn’t it?  What a recommendation.  It’s good, though.  I swear…..

Recipe of the Day

Skinny Spinach Artichoke Dip via http://www.lifemadesimplebakes.com.   So.  Good.  And not so unhealthy….


  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 1 jalapeño, minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 oz. (1 block) ⅓ less fat cream cheese, room temperature
  • 16 oz. plain Greek yogurt (non-fat, 1% or 2%)
  • 1 c. shredded parmesan cheese
  • ½ tsp. garlic powder
  • ½ tsp. onion powder
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • ¼ tsp. pepper
  • ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 12-14 oz. marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 10 oz. frozen spinach, thawed and drained
  1. Place a Dutch oven or a medium size pot over medium-low heat. Add the butter, melt then add the jalapeño. Sauté for a minute or two, then add the minced garlic and cook until translucent and fragrant. Add the cream cheese, Greek yogurt and parmesan cheese and turn heat up to medium. Whisk continuously until the mixture becomes smooth and begins to bubble, about 4 minutes or so.
  2. Add the seasonings along with the chopped artichoke hearts and thawed/drained spinach. Cook for an additional 5 minutes, whisking or stirring to prevent any burning. Remove and enjoy!

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Good morning!  And how are you on this fine wintery Wednesday?  You gotta love Texas weather.  It went from being pretty warm to kinda chilly to downright nipply in the span of a week.  I think I am going to have to bust out my furry boots tomorrow.

Are you all geared up for Christmas festivities?  I am not.  I haven’t even got around to dragging out my tree and decorations.  The probability of that happening lessens a bit more with each passing day.  I have entertained the thought of making gifts, but it hasn’t got out of the jotting-it-down-on-paper stage.  Geez, I’m pathetic.  I hope you have your act together better than I do!

I am getting excited about next year’s reading challenge.  Please join us here!  Invite your friends!  The challenge consists of two lists of categories–one main list and one bonus list.  Throughout the year, you choose books to read to fulfill each category and report back to the group what you read and what you thought about it.  With the exception of one category (reread a book from your childhood), you cannot use books that you have previously read.  You cannot put the same book into more than one category.  The purpose is to challenge yourself to read something that you might not normally read.  2017 will be my third reading challenge.  I am really enjoying participating.

On another exciting note, my fantasy football team is 13-0!  I have no idea how I have managed to do that, but the only place I have bragged is here on WordPress.  I’m trying not to jinx my good luck.  The guys in my league are not impressed.  Ha!

Well, y’all have a wonderful week.  Stay warm & snuggly!

Peace and paperback grease!

Recipe of the day:

Pecan Jewel Cookies with Spicy Jam Filling via http://www.cookingchanneltv.com.  I made these for our office Christmas lunch, and the were absolutely delicious.


  • 3 cups pecans, coarsely chopped
  • 2/3 cup raspberry jam (the jam should have a thick consistency because it spreads during baking)
  • Pinch cayenne pepper
  • 1 cup light or dark brown sugar, packed
  • 3 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature (1 1/2 cups)


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

Roast the pecans on a baking sheet until fragrant and toasted, 7 to 9 minutes. Set aside to cool, and then pour into a shallow dish. Mix together the jam and cayenne in a small bowl until the cayenne is evenly distributed.

Cream together the sugar and butter in a large bowl, using an electric mixer on medium-high speed, until light and fluffy, 2 minutes. Beat in the egg yolks, vanilla and salt until combined. Reduce the speed to low and beat in the flour until just combined. Shape the dough into 1-inch balls (about 2 teaspoons dough per ball).

Lightly beat the egg whites in a small bowl. Brush or roll the dough balls in the beaten egg whites and then roll each ball in the chopped pecans. Place the balls 2 to 3 inches apart on the baking sheets. Press an indentation into the center of each ball using a thick straw, chopstick or the end of a wooden spoon, and then fill the hole with a small amount of filling, about 1/2 teaspoon. Bake until the edges turn golden, 15 to 17 minutes. Cool completely on the sheets on a wire rack.

Song of the day:

Better Days by Goo Goo Dolls.  A sort of non-traditional Christmas song that I love.

Book of the day:

Image result for it ends with us colleen hoover
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.  My cousin recommended this book to me, and it was wonderful.  And sad.  And wonderful.  I gave it four stars on Goodreads, though it may have warranted five stars……

You vs. The Written Word

Do you participate in any reading challenges?  I discovered my first reading challenge with Book Riot’s 2015 Read Harder Challenge, and I was hooked.  For 2016, I started my own Facebook reading challenge page.  Several friends are participating with me, and I have 7 selections to go between the two lists.  I love how reading challenges force you to pick books you would not normally choose.  The best books that I have read this year are:

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom (mentioned in my last postImage result for the magic strings of frankie presto

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty Image result for big little lies moriarty

Humans of New York:  Stories by Brandon Stanton Image result for humans of new york: stories

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven Image result for all the bright places

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton Image result for the strange and beautiful sorrows of ava

Picking Cotton:  Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption by Jennifer Thompson-Canino, Ronald Cotton, and Erin Torneo Image result for picking cotton our memoir

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion Image result for the rosie project

The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro Image result for the perfume collector

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Image result for tuesdays with morrie

These have earned the distinction of “best” because I rated them 5 stars on Goodreads.  I know these ratings are subjective.  I often look back on ratings and wonder why I gave a book the number of stars that I did.  Mood seems to have a lot to do with it.  Regardless, I recommend all of the above to anyone searching for their next read.

I have always wanted to be an author.  I enjoyed writing as a child and was quite good at it.  God preserves gifts used for His glory, which is why my writing skills have declined over the years.  They say it’s never too late to pursue your dreams, so maybe one day I’ll shock everyone and publish something.  I used to joke with my friends that my first book would be a collection of things you hear parents say.  The one that sticks out most prominently in my mind is “Don’t drink the bath water, Gage!”  I’m not sure if this is because it is so cringe-worthy or if it is because it brings to mind very clearly the memory of what bath water tastes like from my own curious childhood.  I’m very disappointed in myself for not keeping up with these gems in a notebook.  Another parental admonition that comes to mind is “Why are you chewing your toenails?”  This one comes from my own mother and was directed at me.  Yeah.  I was a weird one.

I am working on the 2017 Reading Challenge for my page.  I will share it on here and hope that you will join me!  Happy reading!

Peace and bacon grease.

Song of the Day:

Down the Burning Ropes by James Vincent McMorrow


Recipe of the Day:

Chorizo and Jalapeno Breakfast Pizza

by The Homesick Texan


Ingredients for the crust:
1 c all-purpose flour
1/2 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp kosher salt
4 Tbsp cold butter
6 Tbsp half and half or whole milk

Ingredients for the pizza:
2 oz Mexican chorizo, removed from its casing
4 lg eggs
2 Tbsp half and half or whole milk
2 Tbsp unsalted butter
Pinch kosher salt
1 jalapeño, seeded, stemmed, and diced
1/4 sm red onion, finely diced
1 c (4 oz) shredded Monterey Jack cheese
Cilantro leaves, Pico de gallo, avocado slices, and/or crumbled Cotija, for garnishing

Heat the oven to 425°F.  Lightly grease a 9″ skillet.

For the crust, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut the cold butter into cubes and then add to the flour. Working quickly with your hands, work the butter into the dough until the dough is crumbly. Pour in the half and half and stir until everything has come together and a shaggy dough is formed.

Pat the dough out evenly into the skillet.  Don’t work the dough up the sides—leave it just on the bottom.  Poke the dough with a fork about 4-5 times, and place the dough into the oven. Cook it uncovered for 5 minutes then remove from the oven.

Meanwhile, heat a large skillet to medium-low heat. Add the chorizo and while occasionally stirring, cook for 5 minutes or until it changes from a bright red to a more brownish red. Leaving on the skillet, remove the chorizo with a slotted spoon and place it in a bowl. (It’s okay if there is some chorizo grease in the skillet, as this adds flavor. If there is an excess of grease, however, feel free to drain and discard it.)

Add to the skillet the butter. Whisk together the eggs, half and half, salt, and pepper. When the butter has melted, pour in the eggs. Let them sit for 1 minute then add the chorizo back into the skillet and gently stir until they are loosely set. Taste the eggs with the chorizo and add a pinch of salt if you think it needs it.

Turn off the heat and then spoon the eggs out of the skillet and spread evenly onto the partially baked pizza crust.

Top the eggs evenly with the cheese, then top the cheese evenly with the onions and jalapeños. Return the pizza to the oven and cook uncovered for 8 to 10 more minutes or until the cheese is melted and the crust is lightly browned.

Remove the pizza from the oven and sprinkle fresh cilantro leaves over the baked pizza. If you like, serve each slice topped with pico de gallo, avocado slices, and/or crumbled Cotija cheese.

Book of the day:

Back of Beyond by CJ Box

Image result for back of beyond cj box

I just finished this one this morning.  It is the first of the Cody Hoyt series.  It was okay.  It’s the typical rogue cop story–bad ass who doesn’t follow the rules, is hated by just about everyone, and who saves the day just in the nick of time.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love this type of book.  But, it only earned 3 stars on Goodreads.  Good, but not to-die-for good.  I will probably read more Cody Hoyt books in the future.